Diablo 4’s toning down monsters’ power to slow, stun, chill and otherwise cramp your style-

This week’s Diablo 4 patch will tone down the ability of monsters to control players, nerfing a variety of crowd control effects across the entire game. The variety of cold-enchanted elites with exceptionally quick attacks will no longer pop you with the cold enchant every single hit, Cold Spiders will chill you less, Cold Goatmen will drop ice pillars slower, and chilling winds will overlap its nasty walls less often. That’s in addition to a variety of slows and stuns getting shorter durations or more easily avoided animations.

Generally speaking, it’s part of reducing how often the monsters can break your stride. “These changes are aimed at the player having less time being Crowd Controlled and receiving more recovery time after being crowd controlled, especially at higher World Tiers,” said Blizzard’s developers.

It’s part of a clear trend towards more player power in the wake of poor reception to patches earlier this year. Those are the ones that had some here at PC …